Sunday, 22 August 2010

Missing Mojo

Creative mojos are temperamental things. Take them for granted or don't pay them enough attention and they are liable to up and leave. I know this, because mine has been off sunning itself in Italy, while I've been cursing over my torch in damp and drizzly England, unable to make anything except boring blobs of glass. I got miserable and frustrated, wondering whether I'd ever be able to make a decent bead again.

There are a few ways of persuading an errant mojo to come home. In my case, I went back to some tried and tested old favourites, like my jewel nuggets. 'Nuria' is an Arabic word for fire, which I think is appropriate for these red, orange and yellow nuggets.

I've also tried a couple of tutorials, which made me try new things and challenge myself a little. I'm happy to say that it appears to have done the trick and my mojo has now safely returned. :)

'Akasha' is one of the results...I love the energetic swirliness of this bead! Akasha, Nuria and a few others are now listed on Ebay.