Monday, 20 May 2013


It's amazing what you can do with just one or two colours....and a bit of fine silver foil. One of the things I love about working with glass is the different reactions you can get, some of which can be a surprise!

I've mentioned 'striking' glass before, which requires fancy flamework and a large dose of luck. This bead is simply clear, with a layer of silver foil followed by wraps of a striking glass called Chalcedony. On this occasion I was lucky and I got a myriad of warm, autumnal colours...and even some blues and greens!
The second bead was made with transparent grey, again wrapped in silver foil, with stripes of a mottled brown-grey glass called Sediment. The result is wonderfully organic, but with the surprise addition of some silvery blue bits on the ends.
I could spend ages looking at these beads, there is always something new to discover about them!

You will find them on Etsy over the next day or so.

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